And here's an unsurprise.

What? Brits with hangovers? Not a shock. Making it to work? That's a shock.
Having worked for a year in the UK there's no surprise here. I've seen a lot of it.
Having worked in Japan I can't imagine what the stats would be like for Tokyo. 8/10 or so is my guess. If not higher.
In Tokyo, I was that guy. A lot.
BBC NEWS | Health | Third admit to hangover at desk
One in three employees admits they have been to work with a hangover and more than one in 10 has been drunk at their desk, a study suggests.
Staff said they made mistakes, struggled to concentrate and had to go home early as a result of drinking.
Four out of five employers say alcohol is the biggest threat to the well-being of their staff, according to a survey for Norwich Union Healthcare.

And the round up of the top offenders.
Worst culprits
Some occupations are worse than others with regard to drinking and the workplace.
Forty-one per cent of people working in media and creative jobs said they had been to work while still drunk - four times the average.
The number who admitted to have been drunk at work was also high in the construction industry (24%), professional and business services (23%), and information technology (15%).

And the addendum:
Laddette culture, if culture can indeed be used sensibly in this context, continues to rise, as does the number of women busted for drunken crimes.

Police report 50% more women drunks | UK news | The Guardian
Police say the number of women arrested for being drunk and disorderly has risen by more than 50% in the past five years, it emerged yesterday.

Forces across the country report 5,891 females were detained for the offence last year, compared with 3,847 in 2003/04.

Twenty one forces found an increase and 15 found the figures static or lower, according to a survey by Channel 4 News.

Of particular worry to bystanders is the presence of hen parties on the streets. If you see one, flee.


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