Losing weight by going Joggins
My grandfather was a rock hound for his whole life. Several times he took me out to the Joggins Fossil Cliffs. He insisted that it was one of the best places in the world for fossil hunting. Now keep in mind that he never really saw the need for travel, saying that Amherst, Nova Scotia had everything you'd ever want to see. Amherst, the Gateway to Cumberland County.
He has, however, been vindicated on the Joggins issue.
Nova Scotia's Joggins fossil cliffs named World Heritage Site
He has, however, been vindicated on the Joggins issue.
Nova Scotia's Joggins fossil cliffs named World Heritage Site
Nova Scotia's Joggins fossil cliffs, regarded as the best record of life in the Coal Age 300 million years ago, have been added to the exclusive ranks of World Heritage Sites designated by UNESCO.