That's for Effort, right?
Somebody who clearly doesn't actually read this blog but has it half ignored in his RSS reader has given me a rating.
Hunh. What do you know?In the interest of paying it forward, I must pass this on to people I read on a regular basis that meet the criterion of excellence-ish-ness.
There's no point in nominating Pharygula or Dispatches from the Culture Wars or the Bad Astronomer or... you get the point. My 7 1/2 readers will definitely have noticed them long before ending up wondering what I've got to say about anything.
So, I've fallen back on blogs that I think have either a great take on things (like old judo compatriot Barry) or charm (Nicest Girl) or the guts to bluntly say that which needs saying (Pooflingers)
Oh: Save Ferris.