In which I reveal why I end up blogging all the time.

So much bullshit; so little time.


PhillyChief said…
Holy crap, that's me! LOL!

You say you have a Norwegian dog. Which? I have a Norwegian Elkhound.

Btw, I got here from Nicest Girl.
Philly Chief
Elkhound? Very nice. Big and lovely.
We've got a Norwegian Buhund; his name is dog in Japanese. Creative, hun?
I'll post a pic a bit later for you to compare, but I want to see a pic of the Elkhound on your page.
Must remember to thank Nicest Girl.
PhillyChief said…

There are some similarities in body (ya gotta love those curled tails), and the markings are similar too if you compare b&w photos.
Thanks for the link to the page. Great website and lovely dog (if challenging).
Elsa looks like a bigger, blacker version of Ken.
Ken's a bit of a handful, though thankfully not a biter.
The look in Elsa's eyes tells me another way they're alike - too intelligent for their own good.
When we we leaving Canada, there was an Elkhound in the neighbourhood. Absolutely beautiful dog.
I'll put up a couple of Ken in the snow pics just to complement the one's of Elsa.

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