And now a Japan moment

I've now lived in Japan a full quarter of my life, well a quarter and a smidge. (For those of you who study math in the UK that's 15%) I've always enjoyed it although there've been a lot of times that it's pissed me off to no end.

I think it's telling that I've not been able to generate the same passion about London that I have for Tokyo. Or even Kobe now.

So when this thought came to me today I thought I'd fire a few photos up celebrating some of the bits and pieces of Japan over the last year.

First up, Kiyomizudera in Kyoto.


Next: Last year's Luminarie, a commemorative display in honour of the victims of the Kobe earthquake in 1995.

Japan 007

I know it's a moving van and he's lifting something, but I'm sure that Doraemon is mooning me here.

Japan 021

Things the Japanese Like: Episode 4

Taking pictures of stuff with their keitai denwa (cell phones)


Things the Japanese Like: Episode 50

Small dogs dressed in twee outfits


One of the small number of Japanese Christians. The sign says to the effect that God loves the world and forgives sins. Outside JR Osaka station.


Kuidaore is a landmark in Osaka's Dotembori nightlife area. The drumming robot has been in front of the izakaya for ever and ever. Both will disappear at the end of July.


The hot food menu on the ferry to Awaji. Hot Chicken and Chips. 


Finally, Kinkakuji in Kyoto.


Well, that was fun. We'll do it again soon.


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