Pharyngula: Christian Calculus?
Pharyngula: Christian Calculus?
A while back I went for an interview to do IT support for a Catholic college. Part of the application asked me my religion. Although it never came up in the interview I prepped an answer to any question about religion: Until I see a papal bull on DNS technologies, I don't see how it's a consideration.
And now, through PZ Myers at Pharyngula, we see that there are problems getting fully Christian calculus delivered to the masses.
A while back I went for an interview to do IT support for a Catholic college. Part of the application asked me my religion. Although it never came up in the interview I prepped an answer to any question about religion: Until I see a papal bull on DNS technologies, I don't see how it's a consideration.
And now, through PZ Myers at Pharyngula, we see that there are problems getting fully Christian calculus delivered to the masses.