Merry Christmas Season and all that...

...with a what the fuck is wrong with religious people at this time of year.

First up with a little criticism, Cenk Uygur, a man with a name like a typing practice exercise, calls out the religious for their selectivity with their source material: Cenk Uygur: Not Another Word on Gay Marriage Until They Execute an Adulterer

Two: Dispatches has a series of tales about how learning led to the breakup of good families and deaths and stuff. Dispatches from the Culture Wars: Misology and the Religious Right

Three: Apparently there's some backlash against atheists speaking up. The Friendly Atheist has a rundown of the controversy. Who Took Down the FFRF Billboard in Rancho Cucamonga? | Friendly Atheist by Hemant Mehta

Four: Amid all the things the US has trying to tear into it at the moment, this is the kind of shit they worry about: Obama's church attendance.

Five: More Christmas love from the Westboro Baptist Church over at Dispatches again. Dispatches from the Culture Wars: Fred Phelps Wants In On Atheist Sign Situation

Six: When you need clarity, there's the Onion.

Remember, Jesus is the reason for the season. In so far as Jesus stole a perfectly good solstice party and layered on his own guff.

Anyway, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to anyone who celebrating something in whatsoever way makes you happy and harms no one.


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