Hovind notes from through Pharyngula

The Pensacola News Journal has another story about Dr Flintstone.
Damn he's funny.

/Hovind believes he and his employees work for God, are paid by God
and therefore aren't subject to taxation.
But Horton said whether Hovind works for God is irrelevant and the
Bible does not exempt anyone from paying taxes.
"We know the Scriptures do not promote (tax evasion)," she said.
"It's against Scripture teaching."
Horton first heard of Hovind's beliefs about taxes in the mid 1990s.

Pharyngula seems to be capable of digesting this sort of thing:
and, of course

Can't wait to see this unfurl.

The Eternal Gaijin
Lost Somewhere in Wandsworth, London

"Words Cannot Describe What I Am About To Tell You."


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