Freethought Today, March 2006
Freethought Today, March 2006
Believe it or not there is a bill in Wisconsin that would basically ban Intelligent Design Creationism from the science classrooms in the state. The act maintains that to be in the science curriculum the content must be 1) testable 2) is limited to natural 3) consistent with National Academy of Sciences definitions.
Money Quote:
Hat tip: The Uncredible Hallq
Believe it or not there is a bill in Wisconsin that would basically ban Intelligent Design Creationism from the science classrooms in the state. The act maintains that to be in the science curriculum the content must be 1) testable 2) is limited to natural 3) consistent with National Academy of Sciences definitions.
Money Quote:
Prof. Alan Attie, who teaches biochemistry, said the bill puts Wisconsin on the map in opposing creationism.
As he put it to Judith Davidoff of The Capital Times: "We can be the un-Kansas."
Hat tip: The Uncredible Hallq