Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Uncommon Descent» [off topic] From a Dear Friend of Mine

I mentioned this in my previous post.
Check out link then check out the Questionable Authority's take on
things at

Monday, May 29, 2006

Robertson says he leg-pressed 2,000 pounds - Yahoo! News

Robertson says he leg-pressed 2,000 pounds - Yahoo! News
Is this a joke or did something go really weird while I've been out of touch.
Does a 70+year old man really think people are so gullible that they wouldn't see through this?
Given the recent joy from Uncommon Descent jumping all over the ACLU/Marines Praying urban myth, my sinking feeling is that there is no shortage of people who will by it.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Settling into the UK

So here we are 2 weeks into the UK and I still haven't been up into
London central yet.
I've been busy stripping wallpaper. Which is fine. I mean let's face it:
London is nothing if not home decorating.
We've kept ourselves busy day to day by going to B&Q (the local Rona
equivalent), cleaning, patching cracks in the walls and hopefully
getting the flat to look like what we want.
So the days, well they don't drag on but they certainly do take their time.
The other thing I've been doing is dabbling in self-employment.
I've started doing network and pc support for a local internet cafe. I
managed to hit the timing exactly right when his previous tech went
moved and became unavailable. My wife noted that they had problems with
their computers and approached the staff. The next day I was in speaking
to the manager and the day after that I was starting to service their
computers. It's amazing what you can get 40 pounds an hour doing...
And culture shock. It's not full blown but it's a whole other post in

It happened

For the last week, I haven't had net or phone access, nor even television.
You'd be amazed how different your life can become without TV and how
little you miss it. Phones, maybe a little more you miss them.
But net access. You miss email. You just can't get comfortable without it.
I say this because it took me until tonight to find out that my
grandfather died last Sunday morning.
And I feel the same I did before I knew. It's better this way; I know
he's happier now. I miss him.

Made it to the UK

Around 0900h on 5 May 06, the Queen Mary 2 berthed in Southhampton, UK
bringing my wife, dog and I to the next stage in our lives.
Leaving Ottawa on the 27th of April my father trucked us down to
Syracuse where we picked up a rental car at the airport and stayed the
night at the Comfort Inn at the Syracuse Airport. From there we drove
down to Manhattan to stay the night in the Holiday Inn Wall Street.
Now you may think that's an odd choice of hotels. This may be true
enough but keep in mind out tag-along mammal. Finding pet friendly
hotels is a bit troublesome when you are searching from a different
country, so you grab the first ones that leap up to be seen.
After a 6 night Atlantic crossing we arrived in Southhampton, got a car
to Southfields. And then the work began:
There's a lot of cleaning to be done in the flat, redecorating of rooms,
painting and papering, not to mention a job to be found...
And that's the next while. Makes me wonder when I'll be able to actually
post this.