
Showing posts from December, 2007

Things I've learned during the X-mas break...

I learned a few of the following things and maybe a couple more... Singapore is still a great city with great food and a lot of attractions for the tourist. Also, if you're at Boat Quay and the touts are getting on your nerves with their constant needling you to come into their restaurant and not the other guys', don't let your wife drag you into the Tex-mex place just so she can eat quickly get food and get away from it. The enchiladas are mediocre and the steak is tough. In a city of fantastic food, you can do better in the shopping mall food courts. Also, Durty Nelly's has good food at lunch, but nothing for supper. And Sentosa is a resort island that has a lot of stuff to do. I learned that Oscar Peterson died . I learned that American women are vacuous beauties and that English women are substantive trolls . As a good Canadian, I would have said that Thinsulate or Polartec were the greatest inventions in the universe, however I have learned that the PS3 is now the ...

My wife sends me these things...

My wife, Jebus bless the little limey, keeps sending me these little things and says something like, "Do you remember parmos? They were good, weren't they? I didn't know they were from Middlesborough." I usually reply, "Are you just making up words, or what?" What the hell is a parmo? Finalists announced for World Parmo Championship - Gazette Live THE finalists have been announced for the first ever World Parmo Championships - after votes came flooding in from Japan to Cardiff! Powered by ScribeFire .

Science marches on. What YOU got?

It's the end of the year and everyone is putting up various lists about stuff from 2007. Here's one that will make you excited if you have more that 2 firing neurons. Top 10 Scientific Discoveries - 50 Top 10 Lists of 2007 - TIME A fave: Top 10 Scientific Discoveries - 50 Top 10 Lists of 2007 - TIME #6. "Hot Jupiters" Discovered This October, British scientists identified three new planets outside our own Solar System, as part of an ongoing search for Earth-like exoplanets called the Wide Area Search for Planets, or WASP. The new planets, named WASP-3, WASP-4 and WASP-5, are about the size of Jupiter, and orbit so close to their suns that their surface temperature reaches some 2,000°C. That rules out the possibility of life on these "hot Jupiters," but scientists surmise that other Earth-sized planets may be making cooler, longer orbits around those same suns. Powered by ScribeFire .

How is this anything any more than total bilge?

You know as someone who has a brain, this just seems like crap. Why the fuck to people listen to these whack-a-doodles? -- From: The Eternal Gaijin Lost Somewhere in Kobe, Japan "Words Cannot Describe What I Am About To Tell You."

And another comic to read

Cectic - Discriminating HT to One Good Move Powered by ScribeFire .

The Modern World

Just go read this. story.jpg (JPEG Image, 550x508 pixels) - Scaled (43%) Powered by ScribeFire .

Just a few quick quotes.

Think of them as buttered popcorn for the brain. If that's what you like doing with buttered popcorn. [GBG] Atheist News: Top 10 Atheist Quotes Top 15 Quotes By Famous Atheists - The List Universe Powered by ScribeFire .

On the Lighter Side

The Guardian runs these travel lists periodically, and after the last few days, why not think about unwinding in one of these pubs. Of course, the further south they get in England the less you want to consider eating there. Top 10 cosy pubs | Travel | Guardian Unlimited Powered by ScribeFire .

Mitt Romney and "The Speech"

Mitt Romney, who loves to trumpet his faith all over the place and retreats behind the Wall of Rude when actually asked a question about it gave a speech the other day. It was a listening experience that was akin to slow pulling band-aids off your balls. Reason Magazine - Flunking a Religious Test "A person should not be elected because of his faith nor should he be rejected because of his faith," he said. Rejected because of his faith, no. But rejected for his lack of faith? That's another question. Romney evinces a powerful aversion to skeptics. "We need to have a person of faith lead the country," he said in February, which sounds like a religious test to me. I agree. It's funny how Mitt Romney grabbed onto the religious test the second he had to decide who couldn't be a serious leader in the US. And to do it he had to re-write history as the Faithheads always do.Faith or bust. Now I don't think their should be a religious test for public office...

Omiyage of a sad, sad chapter

Avro Arrow mementoes on auction block An important part of Canadian aviation history will briefly return to the spotlight Sunday as a Toronto auction house sells a collection of memorabilia related to the Avro Arrow jet. Company papers, employee notices, models and photos — along with a copy of the fateful speech in the House of Commons announcing the project's demise — will go on the auction block around 2 p.m. ET. Powered by ScribeFire .

Romney Speech

HT to The Perplexed Observer -- From: The Eternal Gaijin Lost Somewhere in Kobe, Japan "Words Cannot Describe What I Am About To Tell You."

Who the fuck is this ass-clown?

Anyone every heard of this dickhead, Michael Savage? Crooks and Liars » Savage questions quality of U.S. troops Media Matters - Savage calls Retired Brig. Gen. Keith Kerr a "gay, phony general" Powered by ScribeFire .

Basic competence is just too much to expect.

The other day the British Government lost an absolute butt load of personal information. They sent it in the mail. Unregistered. On CDs. And it just gets worse. News - Missing discs 'hold witness protection scheme IDs' DETAILS of hundreds of people given new identities under witness protection programmes are included in the child benefit discs lost in the post by HM Revenue and Customs, it was claimed today. Up to 350 people who have been given new names and re-homed after giving evidence against criminals are said to be among 25 million parents on the register. It is claimed both the old and new identities are included on the discs, potentially putting their lives at risk and raising the prospect of a costly exercise to hide them again. Powered by ScribeFire .

The Mormons and the Origins of the Universe

I've noticed recently how easy it is to make a religious ideal look absolutely fucking stupid. Make a cartoon of it. Christing fuck, people, how on earth can this be sensible. Suddenly the Scientologists look good. HT to -- From: The Eternal Gaijin Lost Somewhere in Kobe, Japan "Words Cannot Describe What I Am About To Tell You."

How will they lie their way out of this one?

Crooks and Liars » BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Report Says Iran Halted Nuclear Weapons Program in 2003 Crooks and Liars » George Bush says he got the new NIE report last week: Oh, really? Oh, like this maybe Crooks and Liars » Right Claims Iran NIE a CIA Plot Against Bush Crooks and Liars » Bolton Not Swayed in the Slightest by the NIE on Iran Powered by ScribeFire .

Still unconvinced.

Pharyngula: 34 Unconvincing Arguments for God Introduction - Atheism – the lack of belief in gods – is based upon a lack of evidence for gods, lack of a reason to believe in gods, and difficulties and contradictions that some god ideas lead to. Nevertheless, atheism is a tentative state, subject to change if compelling theistic arguments are presented. Following are some of the arguments that atheists have considered, along with some of the reasons these arguments have been rejected. (1) God-of-the-Gaps (God as a “free lunch”) - Almost every “proof” for the existence of gods relies, at least in part, on a god-of-the gaps argument. This argument says that if we don’t know the answer to something, then “God did it.” “God” gets to win by default, without any positive evidence. But is saying “God did it” really an answer? Intelligent design, god-advocate William Dembski has authored a book entitled No Free Lunch. However, “God” is the ultimate “free lunch.” Consider the following: W...

You could also end up writing a blog under a pseudonym...

ABC News: 22-Year-Old Virgin? Watch Your Health While past research has linked early sexual activity to health problems, a new study suggests that waiting too long to start having sex carries risks of its own. Those who lose their virginity at a later age -- around 21 to 23 years of age -- tend to be more likely to experience sexual dysfunction problems later, say researchers at Columbia University and the New York State Psychiatric Institute's HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies. Powered by ScribeFire .

Was she home-schooled, or what?

Sherri Shepherd Doesn't Get That Whole BC Thing, Insists "Jesus Came First" - Media on The Huffington Post Powered by ScribeFire .

Not quite a rap video

HT to The Uncredible Hallq -- From: The Eternal Gaijin Lost Somewhere in Kobe, Japan "Words Cannot Describe What I Am About To Tell You."

Getting a LooCDe TouV but not a JooViC but it is ready for the HouD.

-- From: The Eternal Gaijin Lost Somewhere in Kobe, Japan "Words Cannot Describe What I Am About To Tell You."

Buying a TV

I've just been down in Namba looking at TVs, as my wife, god love her, is enough of a bloke that she can't stand a CRT type o' deal much longer. So I'm out looking for Sony's, but not just anything in a model kicing around, but an overseas model. Which, puts the price up. A bit. So we're gong to have it delivered next week. And I'm glad I've been taking those Japanese lessons. It helps get a few things done.

If the Stupid Burns, Explain Why There Aren't Forest Fires All Over the Red States

Self-explanatory. More people believe in talking snakes with fruit fetishes than in the Theory of Evolution. And the ending writes itself. Poll finds more Americans believe in devil than Darwin | Lifestyle | Reuters More Americans believe in a literal hell and the devil than Darwin's theory of evolution, according to a new Harris poll released on Thursday. It is the latest survey to highlight America's deep level of religiosity, a cultural trait that sets it apart from much of the developed world. Powered by ScribeFire .

Kinda Cool Ways to Go.

I recently discovered recently and have had some fun with the lists. Look up terrifying foods for a kick (and a vom). The 5 Most Kick-Ass Apocalyptic Prophecies | There are a lot of apocalyptic scenarios looming out there, in various religious sects in the nooks and crannies of history. Though the scenarios are wildly different in method, you can rest assured that most will leave us all equally dead. While we can't know which one is actually going to happen, here are the ones we're rooting for, along with the heavy metal album cover each most resembles. Powered by ScribeFire .